DDX has always been the leading platform for practice-to-lab communication and is deeply woven into Labnext as your customer portal. In 2020 and 2021 we’ve been working on updates to DDX to support the unique requirements of dental schools.
The Labnext / DDX technology platform continues to expand and innovate. If you work with dental schools and want additional information about how our DDX eLab solution might help your customers, please do not hesitate to contact us at 800-403-9870.
For more information about Henry Schein Design Services visit henryscheindesignservices.com or call 800-496-9500
Learn more about these features or other functionality from the Labnext Manual.
If you see features that your lab does not have access to, please contact:
Edward Meister at 800-403-9870.
If you wish to receive additional training on Labnext features, please contact:
Terri Heath at 801-847-4608.
The post Learn more about DDX eLabs and Henry Schein Design Services appeared first on Labnext.
]]>Moskey Dental Laboratory, a family owned business for three generations, was founded in 1924. That continuity of ownership has meant dentists have received the consistency and dependability they need to run a successful practice. Known for delivering timely and quality restorations to minimize patient’s chair time, Moskey invests in its people and technology to ensure they are well positioned to anticipate the needs of their customers. For nearly a century, their values have remained the same: craftsmanship, caring, and honesty.
Family businesses are the primary form of business all over the world, yet less than one-third survive to the second generation, and only half of those businesses make it to the third.
Over the decades, Moskey Dental Laboratory has faced tough circumstances for survival, and yet has beaten the odds and made it to a third generation of family leadership. They have been exceptionally resilient, and have taken advantage of opportunities to innovate and transform their dental lab as needed. With a positive corporate culture and a focus on the long term, Moskey Dental Laboratory has succeeded in something that is incredibly rare: they have created continuous value across generations.
It can be difficult launching a company with the added pitfalls and potential baggage of family relationships. But Nathan Lash did just that, when he founded his business (then called Mutual Dental Lab) back in October of 1924.
Since those early days, this family business has thrived and become a multi-generational success story. They have extended the values of the family to create a lasting culture in which their values are sustained in the business and the wider community.
And the value they have created is not just financial. They have developed capable and committed people in each new generation, and they have also contributed to the community at large.
Moskey Dental Laboratory offers an economy line of restorations for those without the means to pay for quality care. They are also long-time participants in the national Donated Dental Services program that provides dental care to the nation’s most vulnerable people; disabled, elderly or medically-compromised individuals who cannot afford necessary treatment.
For the Moskey team, it is important that they live and work by the values that have defined them for a century. Through a legacy of shared vision, their team is tied together by innovation, reinvention, seeking new opportunities, and learning from the challenges that lie ahead.
With a strategic focus on the future, and with a goal of longevity, Moskey Dental Laboratory is looking for dedicated leaders who will respect the company’s heritage, and emerge as stewards for future generations.
As they remain true to their hometown roots, and continue their promise of delivering quality dental restorations, they are excited about the next chapter and what the future will bring.
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]]>Stoller Dental Laboratory has been serving the dental community since 1977. For nearly 45 years, their priority has been to create the highest quality dental restorations, while fostering the best work environment for their employees. The Stoller team has a work-hard, play-hard philosophy, and they go out of their way to recognize and reward individuals for their exceptional work and contributions. Their company culture has created a team that is passionately dedicated to providing the finest materials and services available.
As a full-service laboratory, Stoller fabricates all products in-house, and maintains the strictest quality control measures to provide beautiful, life-like restorations. But with the dental industry changing every day, they recognized early on the importance of developing a competent, performance-driven team. They understood that to be successful at offering the best products, they would need to attract and retain the best people. Thus, they strived to create a work environment that would encourage employees to care about their work as much as they do.
The Stoller Dental Laboratory culture starts with their leadership. Founding member, Larry Stoller, and his sons, Adam and Landon, have fostered a positive environment by serving as examples for employees: always maintaining positive attitudes, providing motivation and support, and encouraging open communication. This trio goes to great lengths to stay involved in all daily activities, and to recognize and reward individuals for their outstanding efforts.
Further, what makes this Fort Wayne-based company such a great place to work is that the company feels more like a family. Whether it’s celebrating birthdays, dressing up for Halloween, providing free food and drinks, or hosting company activities, this fun and relaxed workplace has helped build better professional and personal relationships.
In fact, Stoller has gained such a great reputation that they occasionally receive resumes after posting about company events. As the industry faces a shortage of dental lab technicians, it’s a testament to how invaluable their efforts in creating a positive company culture has been.
The sky is the limit for this family-owned, forward thinking dental lab. Future projects include expanding on their innovative zirconium dentures patent, an appliance they call Zircobite. They also intend to tap into more Labnext features; specifically, implementing bar code scanning.
But in the meantime, they have some planning to do. Another highly anticipated “Stollerbration” is just around the corner.
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]]>Digital Dental Leaders began as an offshoot of a traditional, full-service lab. They spent years observing and experiencing the problems that afflict labs, and saw opportunities rooted in the evolving industry.
Digital technologies were starting to become well established in dental labs, practice adoption of intraoral scanners was growing and more materials for a digital process were being introduced. Yet, most labs struggled to achieve all the value of digital manufacturing while supporting their broad traditional product line.
Digital Dental Leaders was founded with the intention to exclusively target the digital dental industry. Furthermore, rather than offering a large product line, they opted to begin with only a small selection. This focused strategy allowed them to streamline processes and realize efficiencies that provides customers with a reliable restoration at a reasonable price.
Digital Dental Leaders continues to be passionate about being a resource for doctors and helping them realize the full potential of digital dentistry in their offices. With the growing adoption of intraoral scanners and the innovation of digital materials, they see opportunities to grow their customer base, continue improving their product, and optimize their digital manufacturing process using Labnext.
Digital Dental Leaders is currently based in Menifee, California with the plan to expand their lab network to communities across the country; providing practices with a cost-effective digital restoration solution.
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]]>Dickerman Dental Prosthetics is a multiple award-winning dental laboratory with more than 50 years of experience. Through the years they have embraced and utilized the latest advances in dental materials, techniques and technology, and have established themselves as a premier lab that is widely recognized for their full-service dental solutions.
The dental industry is changing rapidly and technology is the force behind the shifting landscape. To remain competitive, dental labs must strive to stay on the leading edge of dental technology. However, making big upgrades can be time-consuming, and change often comes with an intimidating learning curve. Even when a transition is successful, when you adopt a platform that has increased functionality, it can take a long time to get focused on what you want to get out of it.
In the pursuit of quality, Dickerman Dental Prosthetics knew they wanted to unite their strength of craftsmanship with the power of technology. As the world shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dickerman Dental Prosthetics saw a unique opportunity to undertake an initiative they had been considering for years: adopting a modern cloud-based management system.
With the support of the Labnext team, they worked closely with Terri and Edward to make the move. Although it was a big process, the transition was nearly seamless, it was relatively easy to train the team, and the benefits they realized immediately were huge. Now they have employees who can work remotely, because Labnext is a web-based platform. They can digitally handle incoming digital files, photographs, communicate with dentists, create work tickets, and even print those from away.
While the pandemic disrupted many businesses, Dickerman Dental Prosthetics made the leap to modernizing and creating long-term resilience and growth. They have thoroughly positioned themselves to keep up with the rapid advancements of the dental industry.
Dickerman Dental Prosthetics is dedicated to excellence. They will continue to innovate through constant education, producing the absolute best products by using the most advanced systems available. Future plans include embracing even more of Labnext’s functionality by adding case entry for dentist through DDX. Their goal is to decrease some of the inter lab-practice communications, based on information not being supplied.
Their team of highly skilled technicians, paired with their commitment to family and quality, mean they will be an experienced asset to dentists for years to come.
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]]>Technician task scanning has been enhanced in Labnext, giving you the ability to restrict which departments a technician can scan in. Since technicians can focus on specific tasks, this feature prevents data entry errors and eliminates the time-consuming job of making corrections after the fact.
To setup this feature, make sure that tasks are assigned to departments:
You will see your task list and you can verify if the task is in a department. Departments can be setup under the departments menu.
To setup Technician Task Scanning go to the right of the Add button and click on the down-arrow to choose Scanning and Assigning. Here you will choose whether technicians can scan in a particular department.
For even more control, you can assign technicians to tasks. Go to the Task list and choose which Tasks can be assigned in the Task-User Scheduling section.
Then, to setup the technician section, go to the right of the Add button and click the down-arrow and choose Scanning and Assigning. You will indicate which departments a technician is able to be assigned to.
After completing this one-time setup, you will be able to use theAssign Technicians report or Unassigned Tasks from the dashboard. The Incomplete Task Report will now be able to be grouped by technician.
We have added several features into Labnext to help speed up repetitive tasks such as case entry, invoicing, and finding a case. Using this functionality will improve the efficiency of your lab.
Since switching between your keyboard and mouse slows you down, you can boost your efficiency considerably by using keyboard shortcuts for repetitive Labnext tasks.
Note that there are global shortcuts that are available throughout Labnext – like Ctrl+Alt+N to launch a new case or Crtl+Alt+N to create a new case.
There are also shortcuts that are specific to a page. On the New Case page Ctrl+Alt+L triggers the Account Selector, and Crtl+Alt+W triggers the work procedure selector.
To view a list of keyboard shortcuts:
This help list is dynamic, and the shortcuts listed are those that are relevant to your current Labnext location.
Labnext offers a powerful search to help you quickly find the record you’re looking for. There are also search shortcuts for more precise searching.
Other search prefixes include P for pan and E for estimate.
Instead of scrolling through a list of accounts or work procedures when creating a case, click on the search window to open and type in the Quick Code.
From the Account record, populate the desired value in the Quick Code field. When creating a new case, type the account Quick Code into the account search window to speed selection.
Procedures also support Quick Codes. Enter the desired code in the procedure setup and type the Quick Code into the procedure search window to speed selection.
Learn more about these features or other functionality from the Labnext Manual.
If you see features that your lab does not have access to, please contact:
Edward Meister at 800-403-9870.
If you wish to receive additional training on Labnext features, please contact:
Terri Heath at 801-847-4608.
The post Learn More about Technician Task Scanning, Keyboard Shortcuts & Quick Codes appeared first on Labnext.
]]>We’ve made updates to a several Labnext reports to give you better visibility into what’s happening in the lab:
We’ve added a Group by Account and User Entry preference to this report. This gives you the ability to identify the value of cases entered for products during a timeframe as well as being able to track data entry.
This new report details cases that have not been invoiced based on the patient appointment date to provide insight into what work needs to be completed and shipped. Critical detail at your fingertips so that your practices always receive their cases in advance of the patient’s appointment. No case falls through the cracks.
Labnext Tags provide powerful and flexible functionality to categorize cases and accounts. Labnext accounts can be tagged as being part of a DSO, study group,… Cases can similarly be tagged to categorize.
Many Labnext reports support filtering by tags so that you can track revenue by tag,… This structure is very flexible and can be tailored to meet your unique reporting needs.
Run reports related to a specific account from within the Labnext Account. With the account record open, click on Actions and the desired report:
This is a convenient path to gather details specific to an account.
Labnext supports a large ecosystem of integrated hardware and software solutions to make your lab more efficient. Lab management software is your central business application, and it provides far more value when connected to your other systems.
Leading shipping services including UPS, FedEx and others have been integrated into Labnext to streamline your inbound and outbound logistics.
Worldpay payment processing is integrated into Labnext’s financial workflows for efficiency. Ledger posts are automatically generated from processed transactions for accuracy.
With more and more case work coming from practice intraoral scans, Labnext’s integration with Plascan, TRIOS and other leading scanners eliminates data entry and boosts staff productivity.
Many leading practice management software applications including; Dentrix, Dentrix Enterprise, AxiUm and Open Dental, integrate with your DDX practice portal to streamline case submission to your lab. With a couple of clicks your accounts can submit digital or traditional cases.
Learn more about these features or other functionality from the Labnext Manual.
If you see features that your lab does not have access to, please contact:
Edward Meister at 800-403-9870.
If you wish to receive additional training on Labnext features, please contact:
Terri Heath at 801-847-4608.
The post Learn more about Labnext reporting and integrations appeared first on Labnext.
]]>Labs regularly want to categorize accounts based on being part of a practice group (i.e. Heartland); or being part of study group… and that is what Labnext Tags are for. You can add multiple tags to an account. Additionally, tags have been integrated into Labnext reports so that you can track sales by account tag, … This is a powerful and flexible way to categorize and report on accounts.
To add tags to an individual account:
To add tags to multiple accounts at once:
An Account Tag Filter has been added to many reports which allows you to report on the appropriate tags. Simply select that tag(s) to report on and run the report.
We have created a Tagged Accounts report that allows you to view a list of accounts that have a particular tag.
Labnext can, based on the setup of a procedure, know whether the case will need a Try-In. For some cases, labs want to over-ride this automation, which can now be done within the case. If you see the Try-In option with the designation Yes on the left of the case, you can remove this designation under the Actions menu with the selection Mark As Not Try In.
We have also added the Try-In element to the Labnext work ticket builder that allows you to indicate on the work ticket if the case requires a Try-In.
Learn more about these features or other functionality from the Labnext Manual.
If you see features that your lab does not have access to, please contact:
Edward Meister at 800-403-9870.
If you wish to receive additional training on Labnext features, please contact:
Terri Heath at 801-847-4608.
The post Learn more about newly released Labnext Account Tagging functionality appeared first on Labnext.
]]>Email Campaigns allow you to send customizable bulk emails to your accounts without having to leave Labnext. Once emails have been sent there are statistics on opens, bounces, etc. for your insight.
To enable the free email campaign add on, please go to Settings and Store. Scroll to the Email Campaigns section and press Enable the add on.
DDX Ads are free and give you the ability to promote new products, special offers, upcoming events,… to the accounts that are connected to your lab on DDX.
Coupons allow you to give discounts to your customers and they are fully integrated into the Labnext workflow. They can also be integrated into DDX so that they are visible to your accounts and automatically claimed during case creation. And, there is tremendous flexibility to define the desired offer:
To enable Coupons, go to Settings, Lab Details, Preferences and check the box to enable coupons.
The redemption of coupons is also built into the Labnext workflow. If the coupon code is added to the Labnext case, the pricing will be adjusted automatically, and coupon redemption will be tracked.
With your Labnext subscription, you receive a free DDX web page to help promote your business. Even if you already have your own website this will provide valuable exposure as practices are searching for labs in DDX.
To Enable the Website, go to Settings and Store. In the DDX Website section Enable the add on.
To personalize the page, go to Promotions and Website.
Learn more about these features or other functionality from the Labnext Manual.
If you see features that your lab does not have access to, please contact:
Edward Meister at 800-403-9870.
If you wish to receive additional training on Labnext features, please contact:
Terri Heath at 801-847-4608.
The post Learn more about email campaigns, ads, coupons and websites appeared first on Labnext.
]]>You can now easily change the account on a Labnext case when it was entered against the wrong account. This new functionality streamlines the previous Cancel Case / Clone Case workflow.
You can now easily change the account on a Labnext case when it was entered against the wrong account. This new functionality streamlines the previous Cancel Case / Clone Case workflow.
We’ve updated and renamed Labnext external remakes for increased power and flexibility. The new name for this functionality is Next Case.
To configure to Next Cases, go to: Settings / Case Settings /General / Next-Case Types. For additional detail view the Labnext documentation.
There are several Labnext reports that give you insight into Next Case usage:
If you have two procedures on a case with the same task, you are now able to complete both tasks with one technician scan.
This functionality is based on a new setting in the task entitled Complete all instances of this task on a case when any one is completed. Simply check this option on the appropriate Labnext tasks.
We’ve released updates to three Labnext reports to make them even more valuable.
The Batch Print Open Invoice report now displays the patient name. To view go to Reports and the Finances section.
The Procedures Setup report allows you to see the tasks, pay, unit count, availability to DDX and attributes without having to visit each procedure individually. To view go to Reports and the Other section.
The Product Sales report now has a Group By designation. If the option Procedure Category is selected the report will sort and subtotal by the category the procedure is listed in. To view go to Reports and the Sales section.
You can now sort cases in a Case List window by clicking on the appropriate header.
Learn more about these features or other functionality from the Labnext Manual.
If you see features that your lab does not have access to, please contact:
Edward Meister at 800-403-9870.
If you wish to receive additional training on Labnext features, please contact:
Terri Heath at 801-847-4608.
The post Learn more about newly released Labnext functionality to increase your lab efficiency appeared first on Labnext.